Health Cloud

HIPAA-Compliant CRM + Marketing Solutions

Whether a medical provider, a payer or healthcare vendor, the individual patient must be at the center of care.  Until recently though, doctors, clinical staff, hospitals, insurance and pharmaceutical companies have been extremely resistant to technology, due to the complexity of the ecosystem and regulatory risks of centralizing data and operations.

Forcery understands HIPAA-compliant solutions, like Health Cloud and Sales Cloud. Personal Health Information (PHI) must be protected by trusted digital solutions, but a full 360 degree view of the patient isn’t possible without integrating EMR, EHR and other HIPAA-compliant marketing platforms, or by assimilating information via data migration.  Forcery has completed project ranging from optical character recognition (OCR) of medical records, to complex EMR API integrations,and these experiences in the medical space help provide nuanced, compliant and trusted solutions for the complex ecosystem of  the healthcare industry.

Forcery develops HIPAA-compliant CRM + Marketing Solutions like Healthcare Cloud